Professional Pet Grooming Services
Kamloops, British Columbia
Our number one concern is always our furry friends’ safety and well-being
We offer a relaxed, safe, calm atmosphere at all times for our clients. We do not use heat to dry pets off. Pet owners know that grooming is money well spent. When this is done by a professional, it can be very healthy to groom your dog.
Grooming your dog not only makes them look good, it gets rid of knots and matted fur that can cause discomfort. There are also opportunities to have skin and nail treatments. As long as this is done by a professional, then it can be very healthy to groom your dog.
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Do not attempt to groom your dog yourself
Dog grooming is quite a specialized skill and those who practice it train for quite a while. Attempting to groom your dog yourself can result in cuts and injuries to your pet as well as nasty bites and scratches to you. It can also result in your dog receiving a very bad cut and looking quite awful for quite some time.
A piece of advice is to check out the professional dog groomer. A good dog groomer can make the difference between your pet enjoying the experience or suffering psychological damage. They should be able to find a cut suitable for your pet and administer it with a minimal amount of stress.

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